Photo courtesy of Andrew King - D4 Productions

Monday, January 28, 2008

Jan 21-27 2008

  1. Monday-16 myles
  2. Tuesday-10 myles
  3. Wednesday-14 myles
  4. Thursday-5 myles
  5. Friday-off
  6. Saturday-off
  7. Sunday-30 myles
  8. Total-75 myles
Pic of the week - The good 'ol boys

Well the week certainly started off with some good work but the way it ended yesterday was a disappointment. Initially I wanted to hit the 80 mile mark but with the little Winter Park excursion I only made it in the mid 70's. Having said that, 75 myles is the most I've run in one week since last summer so that makes me feel good.

I've had some time this morning to reflect on my run yesterday and I've come to conclusion that it was a freak thing. I'm not 18 anymore - meaning I can't go out with my friends for two days and expect to rebound right away. I think back on previous days when I just didn't feel right and I've cut my run short, but for some reason yesterday I had to prove something to myself. Maybe I needed to prove that I'm not invincible, maybe I needed to hurt that bad so that I'll remember next time. What ever it was, it's over and I'm not gonna look back on it.

Looking forward to next week I need to do two 19 mile runs during the week, split up by a longer recover day. I will also go back to the sanctuary hill one day. With 3 weeks to go before Red Hot 50K + my taper starts now thus will be in the mid 60 range for mileage next week.

And to the weeks end I'll end with a quote: "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." -Helen Keller


Anonymous said...

What a great pic of the week! I like the attitude better. Forward Ho!

Anonymous said...

okay... great pic...BUT did anybody bring a razor except Scott M... By the way Manners why is your hand inside Phil's Jacket? I leave it at that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great Pic... But did anyone bring a razor except Scott M..? By the way Manners... What is your hand doing ?

Anonymous said...

You were looking for a confidence builder on Sunday and I think that you found it. We roughed you up for two days and you still stayed on your feet for thirty. You were able to do that because you are beyond strong.
Go like hell friend!