Photo courtesy of Andrew King - D4 Productions

Thursday, March 20, 2008

10 K - 43:27

Lone Tree loop - 3:00 p.m.
SE strong wind, clear, dry trail
mind/body - good/angry left big toe
easy effort

My body felt good today. It's the darn toe that's holding me back! It's definelty infected! Any suggestions out there? Last night before I soaked it in Epsom salt I poked a needle in it and a bunch of milky, reddish pus came out - I know that's gross but that's the facts man! If it's not one thing it another, I guess that's just how it is when we get old, right?

I did one loop over at Lone Tree in 17:59, which is 6:39/mile. Pretty good considering some elevation gain. Hopefully my toe will heal up before Saturday as I've planned a 40 mile run. I'll take tomorrow off to let my body heal and get ready for the big run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I used to get ingrown toenails all the time... Keep putting hot compreses on inflammed toe.. Getting the pus out is a good thing...DO treatments as often as possible.. the hotter the better as long as you can stand it...Hot compresses for at least 2 mins. every time..Use neosporin ointment after that helps dry up the pus & keep the infection in check..2 days tops...You can run your legs off....Love...