Photo courtesy of Andrew King - D4 Productions

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mar 24 - 30 2008

  • Mon - off
  • Tues - 11 myles
  • Wed - 12 myles
  • Thurs - off
  • Fri - 12 myles
  • Sat - 22 myles
  • Sun - off
  • Total - 57 myles
Pic of the week - My feet after 32 hours of Hard Rock

Remember I was having trouble with my big left toe for the past week and a half? Put into perspective, that lil' in-grown toe nail has got nothin' on these feet. If you look close you can see sand/dirt under my skin. I suppose this is what would happen if you kept your feet in a bath tub laced with sand for two straight days.

I think I put up a solid week despite dealing with the toe and glycogen depletion. This week had everything from track work, pavement pounding, trails, and a lil' adventure to boot. I normally run anywhere from 40-50 myles a week before a race and probably would have this week as well but I did some added recreation myles yesterday. My body feels rested and ready to go for AR 50.

Speaking of AR 50, they put up the entrants for the race and I will list my top 10 in a couple days. To give you a little teaser, in my opinion this race will be an epic battle between Tony Krupicka and Todd Braje (WTC winner).

Like I said before, this list has the potential to put 15 runners under 6.30 - unprecedented! I believe I have put myself in good enough shape to be one of those 15. I've gotta be smart though, just like WTC this race will be fast outta the gate. I have to make sure I don't clip along faster than 6:50/mile in the beginning. Naturally I will slow down but if I can maintain at least a 7:30/mile by the end I will be under 6.30.

Moving into next week I hope to rest tomorrow, run Tues and Thurs and then a little loosener on Friday when I get to California. The runs on Tues/Thurs will just be sharpeners to get my leg speed up but nothing too heavy.

I'll leave you with a quote: The only way to define your limits is to go beyond them

Good to know Mother Nature has a sense of humor...

And the mini adventure continues. I guess Mother Nature didn't get the memo that I had to ride my bike to the light rail station to get my car... or then again maybe she did?

I woke up this morning with the roof tops and grass coated with SNOW! Oh well, couldn't be any worse than the Cyclocross races that I do early in the winter. The trip to the light rail station turned out to be O.K. It was below 30 degrees this morning so I bundled up with all my winter riding gear and was out the door by 9:30 a.m. Below 30 degrees running is a world of difference from riding in below 30 degrees. Even though I was bundled up I was still cold. The roads and path were pretty clear but I had to take extra precaution when I went over the wood bridges as they were slick. In all I went 12 myles in about an hour and got to my car without incident.

Optimistically speaking, I got a great cross training workout in and I got to use all my cold weather riding gear that I spent so much money on. Being on the bike today made me realize how much I like biking. Maybe my next new hobby?? Although I'll have to invest in more gear and bikes, what d'ya think Nicole?

Saturday, March 29, 2008

17 myles - 1.57:28

Platte River parkway - Noon
mid 60's, partly cloudy, slight south wind
mind/body - good/sluggish
medium effort

Well this run turned out to be an adventure! The plan was to drive to the light rail station on Mineral (C line), run back to c470, then run the length of the Platte River pkwy to REI, run to the Union light rail station, and then take the train back to my car. That was the "plan".... we all know how plans work out, don't we?

This is what really happened: I drove to the light rail station on Mineral, took my key fob off my key ring and stuffed it in my Camelbak and I was off. Lots of people on the trail because it was such a nice day so I was eager to get going. I ran back to c470 (1.5 myles) and then started the 15.5 mile run along the South Platte down to REI. I was clipping along pretty good, casually looking at mile times, which turned out to be just under 7 minutes for the day. Last Saturday I ran down to REI in 1.53, today I was 1.46. I didn't eat anything the entire length (only water) in hopes of glycogen depleting, making the food and beer I was going to eat taste that much better. I got to REI, sat on a park bench, pulled out a power bar to get me by and I noticed a strange key fob in my Camelbak. Well I have two key fobs on my key ring, one for the security system in our house and one for my car, guess which one I picked??? NOT the car! Now how was I gonna get home from the train station? Me being Mexican my first thought was to break in... yeah right!! I've never done it before so how could I all of sudden have the skill? I ran over to the Union station, which is on the way to Wynkoop brewery, to see what times the C line train was going to Mineral.... well guess what??? THE C LINE DOESN'T RUN ON THE WEEKENDS! Not that it matters because how was I going to get in my car anyways? Turns out the E line goes all the way to Lincoln station, which is a lot closer to my house than the Mineral station. I decided to get a few beers and a not-so-good pizza at Wynkoop and the jump on the E line. Now from the Lincoln station to my house is another 5 myles. You see where I'm going with this? ...Beer=buzz=not-so-good running! If there's one thing I've learned running ultras is you've gotta run through it. Turns out I ran the 5 myles back to my house (buzz and all) without incident, just an upset stomach. In all I ran 23 myles, left my house at 11:30 and got back at 6:00. Since my family is in Utah, tomorrow I have to ride my bike down to the Mineral station (12 myles) to pick up my car. Oh well, what else was I gonna do?

Friday, March 28, 2008

12 myles (9 - 1.01:14)

Grigs loop - noon
partly cloudy, low 40's, North wind
mind/body - better/fast(er)
medium effort

I did 9 myles on a loop road/trail course and then 3 myles on the track. As I started my mind was hesitant but as I got going I realized my body was being real responsive. I ate some beans, rice, and tortillas for dinner last night which means I got some "real" food in me for a change. It's an amazing concept: food=energy! For the last week I've been eating nothing but some sort of grain or rice cereal which gives me just enough energy for cognitive thought. I weighed myself two days ago and the scale read 155.4 lbs! This is the same electronic scale I've been using at the gym since I started weighing myself and it's been pretty accurate thus far. Under 156 is too low for me so now it's time to get back to the magical 158.

Having said that with a little food in me, I returned to feeling good on the run again. I cruised around the loop and got on the track and felt really good. I did 2 x 1 mile repeats (5:45, 5:44) and then 2 x 800 (2:45, 2:44) pretty consistent all the way around. I felt really comfortable with this pace, in fact after I got done with each mile I jogged only 200 m before I started my next repeat. I really concentrated on my form and relaxed breathing. Lately I've noticed when I get tired I start to slap my feet and hunch forward - today I was cognisant of being light on my feet and keeping my shoulders back as I got tired. I gotta tell ya every time I get on the track it reminds me of high school track (some 20 years ago) when I swore I would never run after high school. I hated it that bad then and still hate the track now! Who would have thought 20 years later I'd be doing 50 and 100 mile races?? Go figure....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

12 myles - 1.28:14

Daniels Park - 8:00 a.m.
clear, 60's, dry road
mind/body - good the beginning
medium effort

The run started out great then as I turned around at mile 6 the wheels fell off. I guess the lack of calories has taken effect. I was dizzy and slow coming back but if I taught my body to use fat as energy then I did some "good" suffering today. The beginning of the run I felt light on my feet and the legs were real responsive. In fact, I went through the first mile in 6:39. That same mile coming back was 7:19 and miserable. A few more days of calorie restriction and I should be set to go for AR 50.

I added a new link to an online training log called Map My Run. It's really quite extensive if you want it to be. I use it for daily mileage, monthly mileage, calories burned, and mapping out new courses. Take a look I think you'll like it too.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

11 myles - 1.14:18

East/West HR loop - 3:00 p.m.
clear, 60's, dry trail
mind/body - good/good
medium effort

Even though the East/West trail doesn't open up for another week, I went over the locked fence and trespassed. Having said that, not many people had been on the trail so it was really soft and not rutted. I couldn't handle the road another day! The road really does give my body a pounding so I thought it best to mix it up.

As far as nutrition is concerned I ate a whole bag of puffed rice (1100 calories), small romaine lettuce salad, and a cup of angel hair pasta. Together that probably amounts to 2000 calories or pretty close. My energy seemed fine during the run so hopefully it (my body) is learning to use that fat for fuel.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mar 17-23 2008

Pic of the week - Happy Easter everyone!

  • Mon - 18 myles
  • Tues - 12 myles
  • Wed - 10 myles
  • Thurs - 6 myles
  • Fri - off
  • Sat - 31 myles
  • Sun - 4 myles
  • Total - 81 myles

It definitely has been a mixed week. Started with a semi-long run on Monday that worked out pretty good although I was still a little sore which bothered me a bit. Then followed that with 3 consecutive days of mid length runs. All in all I ran 6 days this week for a total of 81 myles, which I'm extremely happy about. Less than two weeks to go until AR 50 and this is the kind of week I needed to be confident.

I guess the reason I say "mixed" is for two reasons: 1. Because mid way through the week I got an infected left big toe. I'm not gonna say it was an ingrown toenail because it's gone now, but I will say it was inflamed (hurt like a mutha humma) and oozing with pus. And 2. Because I was supposed to do 40 yesterday and came up short with 31. I don't think I would have made it 40 without hurting myself... I'm just glad AR 50 wasn't yesterday. It may have been due to the food I ate the day before (pizza, fried crab cakes, and 3 Green Flash drafts) because after some pasta last night I felt great today.

Speaking of food and diet.... I weigh 162 right now and I have not been eating very good since WTC. I rationalized my diet by saying "I need to fully recover before AR50" And since I weigh 162 with my race weight being 158, I will spend the next week back on my rabbit diet. I have found it good practice two weeks before the race to minimize my calories to less than 2000/day so that I can deplete my glycogen stores and teach my body to burn fat efficiently. Then 5 days before the race reload my glycogen stores by "carb loading" for 3 days. I'll be on my own next week as my family will be in Utah visiting. This will make it easy for me to minimize my calories per day by eating puffed rice breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Before I end with a quote I wanna congratulate my good friend Aric Manning for getting a PR of 2.32 at the Buffalo 25 K on Saturday - Half an hour faster than last year! Keep on, keeping on Aric! Only 5 months of good training before the Wasatch 100 - no looking back and NO training lapses from here on in!

There are basically 3 types of people: The unsuccessful, the temporary successful, and those who become and remain successful. The difference is character.

4 myles - recovery

Grigs out/back - 1:00 p.m.
clear, 50's, melting snow
mind/body - a lot better than yesterday
recovery effort

Whatever that heaviness was in my legs yesterday is now gone. I have no soreness or stiffness left over from yesterday. My run today was for two reasons: #1 the recovery run helps me to get back to normal faster and #2 to get enough myles to say I ran more than 80 myles in one week. Besides it was such a nice day I've gotta run it.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

31 myles - 3.54:40

Platte River parkway - 11:00 a.m.
clouds, 40's, slight South wind
mind/body - not eager/not responsive
medium effort

I wimped out! My plan was to do 40 today but in order to do that I had to go past my car, refill my bottles, and add a 9 mile loop.... didn't happen. For some reason my legs were dead from the beginning - started to ache around the 8 mile mark. I didn't ever bonk just got progressively slower, in fact my last mile was 8:40. I got to my car and just decided it wasn't worth it. Besides, the way I was feeling I would have walked most of the loop and it would have taken me well past dark. All in all I'm happy that I got in 31 but less than happy the way I felt. Averaged out to be 7:34 per mile on a very flat course.... I need to step it up if I want to get under 6:30 @ AR 50!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

10 K - 43:27

Lone Tree loop - 3:00 p.m.
SE strong wind, clear, dry trail
mind/body - good/angry left big toe
easy effort

My body felt good today. It's the darn toe that's holding me back! It's definelty infected! Any suggestions out there? Last night before I soaked it in Epsom salt I poked a needle in it and a bunch of milky, reddish pus came out - I know that's gross but that's the facts man! If it's not one thing it another, I guess that's just how it is when we get old, right?

I did one loop over at Lone Tree in 17:59, which is 6:39/mile. Pretty good considering some elevation gain. Hopefully my toe will heal up before Saturday as I've planned a 40 mile run. I'll take tomorrow off to let my body heal and get ready for the big run.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

10 myles - 1.11:37

Daniels Park - 10:00 a.m.
mid 40's, stiff South wind, clear
mind/body - good/big left toe is angry
easy effort

With my big left toe now inflamed I had to change my strike a bit. I never like to do that because other things go haywire in the process. I felt pretty good for the entire run despite running on tired legs. I've run 40 myles this week so far but nothing compares to this guy! 200 myles in one week?!?! How long can he actually sustain that? I will never have the discipline or genetics to run that much in week - ever! He is truly an anomaly! I'm more like 80-90 myles per week, that's what I feel like I can sustain. Anything beyond that and I'm just begging for injury. With a 40 mile run coming up on Saturday I will hit the 80 mile mark, which I am ecstatic about! I can't imagine running 120 more myles in a week......

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

12 myles - 1.24:57

Modified Daniels Park - 2:00 p.m.
clear, mid 40's, snow is gone
mind/body - good/in-grown toe nail on left big toe
easy effort

Legs were a little tired today from the run yesterday. Not much power going up hills but I believe running on tired legs is what makes me strong(er). For the last two days I've noticed I get stronger the longer I go, having said that I hope that holds true for at least 50 myles. "Getting stronger" through 18 myles is a far cry from "getting stronger" through 50 myles....

Speaking of 50 myles, they listed the entrant list for AR 50 today.... ANOTHER stacked field just as I suspected. I counted 16 guys that are sub 6.30 potential! But in the true spirit of competition I wouldn't want it any other way, BRING IT ON!

Monday, March 17, 2008

18 myles - 2.07:42

Chatfield loop - 11:00 a.m.
overcast, low 30's, 2" of snow
mind/body - good
easy effort

Actually 18.5 myles but who's counting right? I've done my far share of rounding UP so it's about time to round DOWN. I had a few hours between appointments today so I did the quick change in the car and bolted.

Chatfield is not a new route but the way I did it today was new. Since AR 50 is mostly pavement pounding I thought I'd stay on the road around Chatfield and simulate a bit. This loop is relatively flat with only two very easy climbs. Initially, I wanted to hit 7:30's which would bring me around a loop in 1.08 (and change) for 9.1 myles. First loop was 1.03:59, which comes out to be 7:01/mile. A little faster than I wanted but felt fine. The hard part is maintaining that pace for the second loop: 1.03:37 for loop dos (6:59/mile). The reason I wanted to hit 7:30's today is because that is the pace I need to maintain for 50 myles to get 6.15 at AR 50. The body really starts to deteriorate after 40 myles so in reality I need to give myself a 15 minute buffer to get my target time of 6.30.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

10 myles - 1.12:58

Daniels Park - 11:00 a.m.
clear, North wind, 40's
mind/body - not so good
struggling easy effort

Ya this week is definitely a recovery week... The plan was to go 20 myles but I could tell when I started it was gonna be one of those days. Just had no gumption to run. My first/last were: 6:59/7:10, which tells me I was off today.

I'll take off tomorrow and go skiing with Jaxon. We bought season passes and Jaxon has only gone 3 times so we gotta go get our money's worth.

Friday, March 14, 2008

13 myles - 1.27:44

Modified Daniels Park - 4:00 p.m.
overcast, stiff South wind, upper 30's
mind/body - good/good
medium effort

Not quite 13 myles but close enough. I did a lolly pop loop up through Daniels Park which consists of rolling hills and all pavement. Since this will be the primary surface at AR 50 I might as well get used to it.

I felt really good to start but once I hit mile 10 I really started to feel it. First/last splits were: 6:46/6:50, pretty even splits but the exertion for the last mile was a little much. Legs are getting heavy when I approach one hour but nothing to be concerned about because I'm considering this a recovery week.

My hope was that when I got home I would have a message waiting for me from this guy. You see, he has been working his tail off to organize a premier ultra running team with top notch sponsors and runners. Well today, he had a teleconference with these guys to find out if they wanted in and at what level. He landed the BIG ONE!! They want in and offered up an amazing apparel line for the team. Abe Lincoln never gave up and neither does Bad Manners! Congrats to Aric for all his hard work over the past two years to make this happen! Final details are being put in place right now as far as sponsors and runners but Aric will be the team manager and run the team on a day to day basis. Stay tuned for more details!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

10 myles - 1.11:33

Daniels Park - 2:00 p.m.
mid 50's, overcast, breezy
mind/body - good/minor aches
easy effort

Still recovering.... although I did make the pace a bit faster than yesterday but by the end soreness returned to my legs. My first/last splits were: 7:03/6:57 so pretty even pace throughout. Hopefully by the end of this week I'll be back to normal.

Since American River is coming up soon I need to find a pace that I can sustain. Today I kept a watchful eye on the watch to see what time each mile split was and to my surprise I was hitting around 7:15 with very little exertion.... that's a good sign. The winning time at AR 50 last year was 6.22, which is about 7:38/mile. I think I can sustain a 7:40 pace to end up between 6:25 - 6:30. I know some fast dudes are going to show up for the same reason as WTC so the winning time this year will be right around the 6 hr mark. The course has about 3500 ft of elevation with most of that coming in the final 4 myles, most myles leading up to that are slightly uphill. Not this weekend but next I have a 40 mile run that simulates AR50 course pretty close so that will give me a good indication.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

6 myles - recovery

Lone Tree loop - 10:00 a.m.
clear, 60ish, mostly dry trails
mind/body - clear/still sore
easy effort

I can't believe how sore I am still! Maybe it's because I went all out in the race?? I guess it's my body saying "take it easy for now"

So today was just to try and get some of that soreness out. Once I started my legs seemed to move pretty good but whenever I went downhill for too long the soreness returned. Like in previous recovery runs I did not take my watch and kept the pace very pedestrian-like. I probably should make this week a recovery week since my next race is only 3 weeks away.

American River 50 mile on April 5th is next!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Way Too Cool 50K - 3.45:25 12th place

Coupled with the ideal conditions, the stacked field at this years WTC would not disappoint for some fast times. In fact, as it turns out the fastest race collectively in WTC history! The results are listed here. A couple names (Matt Carpenter, Galen Burrell, Thomas Reiss, Rod Bien, Guillermo Medina) that were listed on the entrant list were no shows, to every ones disappointment. Maybe they looked at the entrant list and got cold feet thinking this would not be an easy race to qualify for Western States?? Even with those names not showing up the field was still stacked.... stacked with those fast road marathoners that could use their leg speed on this less than technical trail race. Still with the 3600 ft of elevation gain you would think that would slow 'em down a bit, not today. There were 7 names in the top 15 that I didn't recognize so I went to this website, typed in their names to see what results came up. Not surprising that of the 7 names the slowest marathon PR listed was 2.42!

Here's how the race unfolded for me: The race starts on a paved road with a gradual downhill so it's easy to clock fast myles. The thought I kept saying in my head was "let them go, let them come back to me!" Right from the start a group of about 20 took off at sub 6:10 pace. I stayed relatively close clocking my first mile in 6:22, very comfortable for me. After about a mile and 1/2 the course gets to the dirt on a rolling single track that has one or two stiff climbs. I hit the first aid station (6.1) in 38:17, which was about 10 seconds slower than last year but I wasn't worried in the least bit because I was very relaxed and fresh. At this point I was running with Erik Skaden, Scott Wolfe, and Scott Jurek. The next section is a fast single track plunge down to the American River, along the river for 2 myles, then back up under the canopy of the trees. This section is roughly 8.5 myles long and is the prettiest part of the course. It's easy to go too fast on this section as I did last year. This year I stayed right behind Scott Wolfe, who I thought was going too slow but there is no where to pass. I didn't push the issue and just settled in. I believe by staying behind him I saved myself from later bonking. I arrived at aid station 2 (14.5) in 1.36:51, which was 2 minutes slower than last year. I still wasn't worried because I felt great! The next section is a 6 mile loop that is mostly rolling single track that has one STEEP climb. The climb is ball bearing hill that climbs 1300 ft in one mile. Last year this is were the wheels started to fall off. This year I still felt great, which is always a good sign. I was still running with Eric Skaden and Scott Wolfe but once we started up the hill I never looked back. I came into aid station 3 (21) in 2.28:52, which was 3 minutes slower than last year. Even though I was slower at least this year I was coherent. I knew this next section was the crux of the race for me. It's the same rolling single track that we came out on and very easy to lose or gain time. Last year I was in second place heading into this section and suffered mightily. This year I was all alone and feeling very inspired! I soon caught a glimpse of a runner in front of me and that's all I needed to see, it was on! This is where they all start to come back to me! There is one 500 foot grunt up the aid station 4 (26.2) that I knew I would see people. I passed 3 people on the short climb to include Hal Koerner. I came into the marathon mark at 3.09:45 - I had made back all the time I lost! I filled my water bottle and I was off to see who else I could catch. The next section is 3 myles that's up and down and deceptively hard! Last year I walked quite a bit of this, this year I took off more than 4 minutes of that time. I wanted to be to the last aid station by 3.32 because that would ensure me a 3.40 range finish. I got to the last aid station in 3.34:42 and still running good. The last section is 1.7 myles and all up. My goal was to run the entire section - done! I ran the last section in 10:34 to give me an overall time of 3.45:25!

Now remember my overall goal was not about place but ALL about time, in the 3.40 range - done! Since I've been running ultras this has got to be my best race! In most years at WTC my time would have placed me in the top 3 or in the case of one year (98) I would have won. I guess my training was true to me. I firmly believe that hard work and dedication will pay off. I really gotta thank my wife for allowing me to pursue this crazy passion! This would not be possible without her!

Now the work is done I get to indulge myself!

My Reward

Thursday, March 6, 2008

5 myles (4 - 26:54)

Grigs out/back - 9:00 a.m.
30ish, snowy roads, partly cloudy
mind/body - ready to go!
easy effort

Last tune up before WTC. I feel good as far as leg speed is concerned but I felt a little funky today, don't know if I'm coming down with something??? Today I just wanted to give the legs a spin so I went for a quick 4 mile run and did 3 hill repeats up Grigs hill. Grigs hill is about the same distance as the sanctuary hill (o.2m) but less steep. My reps were: 1:10:10, 1:06:90, 1:02:61 (fastest ever!)

At any rate, I've done the best possible training I can do for this race and now I just have to be smart about it. Number 1 rule for me is to NOT get caught up in all the excitement in the beginning. I have last years splits written down on my water bottle so I will adhere to those pretty closely. I have a bad habit of counting people in front of me after a couple of myles, I hope to not do that this time and run my own race. If I'm smart about it, a few of those people will come back to me. I'm headed to the airport in a little bit so wish me luck and I'll update as soon as I can.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

5 myles - 38:03

Phoenix - 6:00 a.m.
clear, 50's, slight wind
mind/body - ready to go!
easy effort

I was going to take Monday and Tuesday off but I'm driving myself crazy! I had to run because it was such a nice morning in Arizona. I took it out easy and came back with some tempo work. I did 5 reps of 1 minute all out with 1 minute jog recovery. It's amazing how much easier it feels at a lower altitude. All in all I think I'm ready to go!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Feb 25 - Mar 2 2008

  1. Mon - 8 myles
  2. Tues - 10 myles (LT)
  3. Wed - off
  4. Thurs - 8 myles (hill)
  5. Fri - 6 myles
  6. Sat - 14 myles
  7. Sun - off
  8. Total - 46 myles

Pic of the week - Sporty new Smith headbands

Will anyone take me serious if I wear this headband during the race? Well that's the plan! My hope is that after the race is said and done people will talk about "that guy" with the red, white, and blue headband that ran away with the race.... O.K. so maybe not run away with the race but I hope to, at least, make an impression and get a good time. Gotta keep it fun and light hearted, right??

So with out further ado I am going to list my top 10 for Way Too Cool. I'm also going to list a PR for some of these runners to give you an idea of how fast they are: Red=marathon PR, blue=Way Too Cool PR. Here they are:

  1. Erik Skaggs (faster than Kyle)
  2. Matt Carpenter - no need to list times for this dude
  3. Galen Burrell - 2nd to Matt at Pikes Peak a couple of times
  4. Thomas Reiss - 2.32
  5. Hal Koerner - 2.35, 3.46
  6. Eric Grossman - always fast
  7. Lewis Taylor - 3.41
  8. Ian Torrence - 2.42, 3.36
  9. Brad Mongold - 3.43
  10. Dan Olmstead - 2.26
And the scary thing about this list is that I didn't even mention: Kenny Brown 2.26 or Michael Cook 2.23 or Guillermo Medina or Roy Rivers 3.50 or Eric Skaden 3.51 who could easily break through the top 10. So now do you see what I'm talkin' about Way Too Cool being a National, Premier event? All the fast roadies come out of the woodwork because WTC is a great non- technical race to seg-way into the ultra scene. One caveat here, I have heard that Galen Burrell has been hurt and isn't race fit so if that's true then he could slip to 10th or not even show up. These are the names that I recognize to be fast but there will always be some dude or a couple of dudes that show up that no one has ever heard of and steal the show, so expect that.

As for me.... and my new headband, I hope to NOT fall apart in the last 5 myles and post a time in the 3.40 range. I read an entry in my log book from last year and I wrote that I thought I was capable of 3.42, I still think that's true but I have to have a perfect race. Perfect to me is: NOT going out too fast, drink plenty of water, and eat the appropriate amount of calories. We all know that's always the trick: drink enough but not too much, eat enough but not too much, and how fast is too fast to start?

For the coming week, I'm going to lay low and take Monday and Tuesday off. I'm headed to Phoenix, AZ for a meeting so hopefully it will be warm so that I can acclimate a bit. I've heard the whether in Auburn is going to be a low of 42 and a high of 61, perfect running whether. Speaking of whether here, yesterday was a record high of 74 and today was a high of 28 and tons of snow - gotta love Colorado!

Quote of the week: "The measure of a man is not where he stands in the moment of comfort and convenience but where he stands during times of challenge and controversy"

Saturday, March 1, 2008

14 myles - 1.42:20

Daniels Park - 10:30 a.m.
mid 50's, clear, stiff North wind
mind/body - clear/left calf aches
easy effort

Wasn't feelin' in today so I cut my run short by 2 myles. It's not worth pushing to risk an injury. I've had a good hard week thus far. My left calf is giving me fits right now, although it doesn't seem serious I don't want it to get any worse. Now it's time to rest up for a couple days and get ready for the race.

After my run today I went to the gym to weigh myself.... 158 on the button! That was my goal weight! The diet that I've been on for almost 3 weeks now is paying off. My calorie intake has been around 2000/day regardless of workouts and I haven't had any of the following foods: cheese, sat. fat, ice cream, candy, beer, bread, meat, and nothing fried. So what have I been eating?? Hot creamed rice in the morning, power bar for lunch, bowl of cheerios for snack, steamed veggies, black beans/rice, or pasta for dinner, and a couple bowls of puffed rice for an evening treat. I've really tried hard to seek out whole foods with smaller portions more often. I can't stay at 158 because my glycogen stores aren't full so for the next week I'll eat more complex carbs, larger portions, and increase my calorie intake to 3500/day. I'll probably gain 2 or 3 lbs but that's the weight I'll burn off in the race.