- Mon - 11 myles
- Tues - 16 myles
- Wed - off
- Thurs - 16 myles
- Fri - 10 myles
- Sat - 13 myles
- Sun - off
- Total - 66 myles
Pic of the week -New Pearl Izumi-Smith team logo
Well things are starting to shape up with the new ultra running team. I believe kits from PI are being screen printed right now and should be shipped within a couple weeks, the website is under construction and should be done soon, and the team members are coming together quite nicely. Not sure when they are going to officially launch the team but a lot of big races are coming up and I know they wanna have the team decked out in the gear.
Great week this week! Usually the week after a race is a recover week but just like after AR 50, I felt good again so I just kept running. I did have one down day on Friday but on Saturday I rebounded pretty well. That Saturday run was a new run for me over at Matthew Winters. For those of you who don't live here in Colorado, Matthew Winters cuts right through the famous Red Rocks amphitheater and then goes over a couple ridges called "The Hogbacks". I will frequent this place just to mix it up with Mt. Falcon as far as elevation is concerned. My uphill running is really strong right now, probably due to all the hill repeats I've been doing over at Sanctuary hill. I've really concentrated on my technique of shortening my stride, increasing my leg turnover, and trying to stand up as opposed to hunched over. I read somewhere that successful uphill runners have good form standing up right which opens up the lungs for easier breathing, seems to be helping.
Moving into next week I will try and get between 90-100 myles. It's a little stretch but at this point I need to stretch it because Desert RATS is a month away and 148 myles in 6 days. I'll try to get two 20+ mile runs in during the week, separated by two 10 mile runs. Then I'm off to Utah for a week long meeting on Friday, that's when the hometown running begins. I'll be running with Bad Manners on Saturday and Sunday along the Wasatch course. We plan on running the first 40 myles to Big Mountain. It's always nice to get back home and see family and friends - that's what it's all about isn't it? If you've got good family and good friends then chances are you have a good life. Oh and by the way, I finally beat Slash on Guitar Hero (medium level).
Quote of the week: The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong - Mahatma Gandhi
I am going to be in Highlands Ranch on Thursday morning, any suggestions on a place to run?
Nothing really in the Ranch but a few short loop trails. If your going to be in town then you need to go to either Deer Creek or Mt. Falcon. About 2000 vert. in 10-13 miles. Go to: www.co.jefferson.co.us/openspace/openspace_T56_R108.htm
That site will have exact directions, I'd get you lost....
Deer Creek is closest to Highlands Ranch, just West of Chatfield res. on the front range. Let me know what you end up doing
The end of that address is _T56_R108.htm
Thanks for the help, I plan on running Deer Creek on Wednesday night and probably Chatfield res. on Thursday morning depending on how I like Deer Creek. Let me know if you want to join me for either one.
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