Another Newsflash: I am in UTMB!!! Along with my PI teammates: Nick, Darcy, and Josh. Other U.S. notables on the list: Dakota Jones, Nick Pedatella, Scott Jurek, Hal Koerner, Diana Finkel, Mike Foote, Joe Grant, Tony Krupicka, Glenn Mackie, Karl Meltzer, Krissy Moehl, Geoff Roes, and Roch Horton
Second full week of resetting the metabolism. I'm really happy the way my body has responded to running every day of the week, and in a few cases, twice a day. I may have said this before but it seems the more I run, the more I want to run.
The highlight of the week was certainly The Ponderous Posterior 50K (aka Fat Ass) put on by the CRUD guys. I don't need to go into further detail just read the previous post. Outside of that the week was a busy one traveling to Kansas for a short trip and trying to fit in two-a-days. In Kansas it was below zero so the treadmill was the only option. Most of the runs were easy runs, keeping my HR below 155. I did have one workout of 4 x 20 second hill sprints and my HR spiked to 163 each time, felt really refreshing.
Sure I'm anxious to get some leg turnover but the goal is to peak towards the end of June not the end of April. Last year I was hot with the training starting in November the previous year and I made the mistake of trying to carry the volume and intensity throughout the year. If you look at my race results from last year, I had my best results through May and then the wheels fell off. Then after a miserable stretch through September, a little break, and then one final race in November to cap the year off where I started - running good. I didn't realize what has happening at the time but in hindsight instead of pushing through (harder and faster workouts), I should have backed off and "reset". I think it's a common mistake we all make. As a result, I AM being patient right now and will take the next 24 weeks to peak.
At any rate here is what my week looked like:
Monday - 4 myles, 32 minutes
Tuesday - AM 8 myles, 62 minutes. PM 4 myles, 32 minutes
Wednesday - 11 myles, 1 hour 28 minutes
Thursday - AM 4 myles, 31 minutes. PM 6 myles, 54 minutes
Friday - 6 myles, 48 minutes
Saturday - 32 myles, 5 hours 19 minutes
Sunday - 4 myles, 33 minutes
Total - 79.2 myles, 11 hours 41 minutes, 10,626 ft of climbing

You'll always be with us Fast Eddy Cooper
Congrats on getting some votes for the third year in a row for UROY!
Hope it went as well as could be today, was thinking about you guys.
Run Cooper run!!!!
What is this whole "resetting the metabolism" thing? Are you trying to lower or raise it, and how?
I hear you about peaking/burnout. It is possible to maintain good fitness for a long time, but maintaining peak racing fitness usually works best in short spurts.
Slowing the metabolism down to burn more fat. Based on Phil Maffetones MAF HR training apporach
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