This week in training:
Monday - 4 myles East/West trail home
Tuesday - AM 8 myles TM Lifetime Fitness
Wednesday - 15 myles TM Lifetime Fitness
Thursday - 8 myles TM Lifetime Fitness Omaha
Friday - AM 6 myles The Bluffs
PM 4 myles SouthRidge TM
Saturday - 25 myles The Bluffs + Daniels Park
Sunday - 3 myles McArthur Ranch
Total - 79 myles, 10 hrs 55 mins, 3431 ft of climbing
Not much of a taper a week before a race eh? It's true because the goal is not Hagg Lake but rather Western States so I can't be taking two weeks to taper and then one week to recover every time I race. With only 20 weeks left until Western I need every day to count. Strong words of advice from Lucho. I saw Nick Clark's approach to Western last year, basically training through every race no matter the distance with 100+ myles for 15 or so weeks. I need that base and I feel like I'm right on track. To tell you the truth I feel stronger now than I ever have before. 6 weeks into the build up towards Western and here is a snap shot of my weeks: 82, 79, 69, 85, 83, and 79 myles.
A couple of major difference to my fitness, I think, is 1) MAF HR approach. MAF stands for maximum aerobic function and rather than me botch the explanation, just read this article entitled "Want Speed? Slow Down!" and you will get an idea of the approach to my base building. It has been tough because all I wanna do is go but that will come and I know this, I've seen a small sampling in my training. I can hit 5:40s at the end of a two hour run with a 165 HR and not feel completely taxed. Another difference to my fitness is 2) my focus on nutrition during the run. Lucho has been giving me detailed workouts with specific nutrition and hydration instructions, for instance "take 1 gel 10 minutes before you start and hydrate with 20 oz of water...." something like that. You would think it's common knowledge to do these things and stay up on nutrition AND HYDRATION during training but it's easy to get complacent. And truth be told, you need to train like you race.
So what do I expect from Hagg Lake? Well based on previous times of runners I know, I would expect something in the low 3.40s. But apparently times can be significantly slower during lots of rain so we will see what the weather brings. Dan Olmstead, Neil Olsen, Scott Wolfe, and Rod Bien will all be there to push the pace so I am looking forward to something fast. Also I plan on wearing a HR monitor the whole time (but not pay attention to) just for collecting data and see if my fitness matches my HR. Last, my weight is down to 156 flat. That is ideal racing weight for me! Can't wait!
Oh, one more thing, Justin Mock wrote a great article on the Colorado trail over here. Which got me thinking about the trail again.... I'm gonna go for the FKT in 2012! I just have to give it a try now I know the trail and trail knows me.

Segment 24 before dropping down (seems like) forever to the Animas
I know you. I know Lucho. I know Nick. I know MAF.
I'd almost pay a subscription to see this.
Well, maybe.
At minimum, you get credit for more links than anyone in a typical post.
When you comin' to your sponsor-hood again?
By the way, did you see what Pliska did at AZ this year? thought MAF was just an abbreviation of Maffetone, as in Phil Maffetone?
GZ - Didn't see what Pliska did but hopefully he got all his money. I will be at PI Feb 24-26th, along with all the other PI runners at the annual summit. Look for an email soon to join us on some early morning runs.
Yes, Dr. Phil Maffetone developed this MAF test back in the 80s. So I guess the term could be used either way.
There is a link right to his site...its another good read on the same subject right from the horse's uhhhh mouth.
Yea Tim is great on details and nutrition. Its one place I am still a horse's uhhhh ass, but at least I know more information now. I think Matt Carpenter is another big believer of train like you race. Leave nothing to chance. He eats the same thing for breakfast and does the same routine for a week or two before a race, and so on.
Good luck next weekend Scott!
Talked to some friends of yours a few weeks back in NM - nice folks and enjoyed chatting with them. Also ran a great first ultra.
If you are running in Boulder next week and want some company let me know. Would be up for joining you.
Scott - way to be patient and follow the plan. However, not sure you should be following my example, as I tend to fly by the seat of my pants. Consistently high mileage with lots of vert was the basic (and only) plan.
Have fun in Hagg Lake!
Great to hear about 2012 back on the Colorado Trail. Definitely gonna come out for that.
Hey Scott,
Look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Trail will be super muddy. 3:40's will be out of my league with the mud but you can lead the way for us! See ya soon.
Well then Biener if 3.40s are out of your league then I have no business there either. According to the weather reports HaggMud will be epic - slow AND fun times indeed. I will follow you, Wolfe, Olsen, and Olmstead, how bout that? Looking forward to hanging out with you all great North-Westerners!
Saw the results - nice job Scott! I guess if the conditions were good 3:4x would have happened.
3.4x did happen but on the high end - 3.49:57 If conditions were better I would have been right on for low 3.40s. Lots-o-mud!
Oops - sorry about that, I knew you were right on the bubble and somehow between looking at the results and making a comment I added a bit of time. That is even better than!
I look forward to hearing your report
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