Before I say anything else I want to say "thank you" for all who posted a comment on my blog last week. Even if you didn't post a comment but just read "thank you". Or if we chatted at WS before, during, or after "thank you". It made me realize that I am really fortunate to participate in this ultra sport with a bunch really cool, genuine people.
Sometimes I have a tendency to put a bunch of pressure on myself for no other reason than to see what I am capable of doing, genetically speaking. And what better arena to do that with the best of the best. Put the work in and see what you got. It didn't happen this time, and maybe I'll never live up to my own internal expectations, but I am honored to toe the line every time (and then drink beer). So believe it or not, I have moved on but this is what happens after a week of sitting around eating a bunch of bad bad food, drinking a slew of good good beer, and resting - it's all part of the process. So bring on the SpeedGoat, Sierre-Zinal, and UTMB - Wow! Now that's a pretty cool line up!
But first things first, I'm pacing Nick Clark at HR next weekend. And. I. Can't. Wait! This will be the first time at HR that I can relax and visit with some really cool people - my HR family. Starting with Dale Garland. Yes he's busy during this time but for some reason that guy seems to have time for everyone. Next is Bill Dooper. Bill is the quintessential HR fan. I met him there a about 4 years ago and we have been good friends ever since. The Darnold's. My South Mineral campground host friends that took me in 3 years ago and have kept in touch ever since. In fact, last year they volunteered at the Chapman aid station to show their support for this race. This would be a book long post if I named everyone so I'll stop there. Looking forward to seeing you all!
Now on to pacing Nick. Nick is coming off a stellar WS, where 1 year ago he burst onto the ultra scene. Not really in my eyes cause around here in Colorado he was layin down some fast times before then, but to people outside of Colorado WS 2010 was his welcome party. He will be tired, I know, but Nick is tough and laser focused. Coupled with my course knowledge we will be fast from Telluride in, I know it. So Nick if you're reading, here is what your looking at for splits:
- Telluride to Chapman 3 hours (9 myles) - one climb that looks like Hope pass outbound
- Chapman to KT 2.25 (7 myles) - two tiered climb up and over Grant-Swamp
- KT to Putnam 1.55 (5.5 myles) - 3 tiered climb +1 short stout climb
- Putnam to Finish 1.05 (6 myles) - downhill to the highway and then rolling to the finish.
Karl's probably looking at these splits saying "hmm looks very similar to my 09..." Well they are Karl! This was the year you finally put a blazing finish in this direction, other years you have struggled in this section (Telluride to KT).
Last, my week was packed with burritos, beer, burgers, and bon-bons. I think my body was ready to run by Wednesday but the mind didn't come around till Saturday so it was no rush. Here's what that looked like:
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - zilch
Wednesday - nada
Thursday - nope
Friday - negative
Saturday - 9 myles Coyote Ridge - slow and steady
Sunday - 9 myles HR backcountry - fun, happy to be on the trails.
Total - 18 myles, 2 hrs 26 mins, 2230 ft of climbing.
Alright my friends and family, have a happy and safe 4th of July. Kinda weird not being in Silverton for the greatest fireworks display on the earth.

Me and my cool boys
Great attitude. Look forward to seeing you this weekend; been too long!
Jefe, i'll be rolling into silverton with rocho to pace jared this week also. Lets get together and have a burger.
I like how many ways you can say "0 miles".
Have fun in Silverton! Make sure when you are heading up Grant Swamp that you remind Nick how stupid that race is ;)
We should make it a point to get out for some UTMB training at some point.
Have fun at HR.. I will miss that place... Say "Hello" to the Darnold's for us. It has been too long...Enjoy yourself because Europe is around the next bend...
Just bottled a batch. You have earned one in my book if you still got room for it after this last week's bender.
Bring it on home. Can't wait, Scott. See you in a couple of days.
Rely positive attitude and post, Scott. I'll be pacing at HR this weekend too and hope to see you there. I hear the climb out T-ride this year will go into La Junta basin and is supposedly an ass-kicker. Should be "fun".
Loved this post! The only way to recuperate is "burritos, beer, burgers, and bon-bons".
Have a blast at Hardrock!
Bring him on home...
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