Happy Pioneer day to those who celebrate it! I remember living in Utah and having this day as a vacation day. I guess no one in Utah is working tomorrow huh? I'll have a Modus Hoperandi and toast the Pioneers! This weekend was simply gorgeous here in Colorado. It was hot but manageable. I fully intended to get high this weekend with CRUD to avoid the heat but I just did not have the energy to drive anywhere. So I stayed close to home and enjoyed the foothills.
I spent the better part of the week in Santa Monica, CA - perfect training for the upcoming SpeedGoat 50K race... flat, super highway of a path on the beach, sea level. Just gotta laugh at the timing of that trip. I will tell you though that I am feeling quite strong right now despite the flatness of the week. For instance, at Deer Creek yesterday I managed 8:50 pace with nearly 5K of climbing. Somehow the desire and motivation has returned and not much time to spare before UTMB, which is a short 33 days away.
I am really looking forward to racing and seeing family and friends next week in Utah. Too bad I can't stay for the OR show. Here is my week in review:
Monday - Coyote Ridge 10+ myles
Tuesday - Santa Monica 6 myles
Wednesday - Santa Monica 6 myles
Thursday - Santa Monica 8 myles
Friday - Coyote Ridge 11 myles
Saturday - Deer Creek 16+ myles
Sunday - Grigs 8 myles
Total - 66 myles, 9997 ft of climbing, 8 hrs 33 mins
This past week I pulled some workouts from the Paul Dewitt files from yester-year. His approach was centered around quality and not quantity while incorporating some steeps. I think it's always a good idea to mix things up to make it fresh and that's all I'm doing here; trying to keep it fresh and exciting for this 41 year old soul.
And last I put this picture up because it's strange how cyclical things are in life. Soccer, which once was the life blood of my life, has re-entered in the form of Myles. He shows a lot of interest just kicking the ball around, putting on his soccer uniforms and such. Last week I did a skills session for one of my colleagues son (and friends) in Seward, NE, last night we went to a Rapids MLS game. I have a feeling the shift back to soccer is starting to happen again... I don't mind a'tall.

Sportin the Weber State Wildcats purple
glad you are feeling IT again...with 3 races coming up in 1 month...perfect timing...hmmm.. 42 is another milestone around the corner...I think you are going to be one of those runners ... that runs till the wheels come off...Yep I think you are right... Myles is our soccer player ...
Good to hear that the motivation is up. Good strong training in the legs will be put to good use soon. Just remember, "No one can coach desire."
Just noticed that you're doing Sierre-Zinal. Hope that's a good tune up for ya before UTMB. Isn't Young Money doing Sierre-Zinal too?
Good luck bro. Safe travels.
Hey scott, I read your blog every once in a while...it's good by the way. You mention soccer sometimes in your blogs, did you play? I used to play, (and got paid to do it... can't believe they paid me to kick a ball around)and was wondering if we crossed paths somewhere. I'm now living in Folsom, Ca, and loving the ultrarunning. Saw you having a tough patch at WS this year, but awesome job for pushing throughit
Ben - YM is doing Sierre Zinal as well. I feel like the odd man out as far as EquipeUSA is concerned: nick clark, max king, glenn randall, Young Money, Joe Gray, and me. I am going in as the "masters" guy obviously.
Gerell - I played soccer for Weber State university, which was a club but we did come to Cali quite a bit to play the other clubs, UCSB, Fullerton, UCDavis, and the likes. I never got paid to play but had some of the best times of my life playing college soccer, especially on those road trips to cali...
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