Photo courtesy of Andrew King - D4 Productions

Monday, May 11, 2009

8.5 myles - 1.07:10

Matthews/Winters + Zorro - Noon
mid 70s, dry, clear
mind/body - strong
Hard effort

Prescribed workout: 60 minutes marathon pace on flat or same effort on hilly trails

Actual workout: 8.5 myles 1.07:10 avg. 7:54 ~2800 ft elevation gain

I obviously took the hilly trails option and just hammered! My effort was beyond 6:15 MP because I was worked when I got done. Anyone know how to calculate pace effort when combining elevation? I was a full 6 minutes faster this go around compared to last time. I feel like the rubber has finally hit the road as far as HR training - no looking back or second guessing my decision to pass on WS.

I officially declined my entry into WS today with this response from Greg Soderlund:

Hi Scott,
Thanks for confirming that you will be unable to join us at WS this year. Good luck at Hard Rock.
Greg Soderlund, RD
Western States 100 Presented by Montrail

It was a gut wrenching decision but it was the right thing to do. I have tried for the past 3 years to qualify for WS with my best finish being at WTC in 5th a couple years in a row. I remember how dejected I felt, wanting "it" more each time. AND now I say NO?!?! I've worked hard over the last few years to become a better runner and I've learned alot about myself - call it a better version of me. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. So if I've created a better version of me then WS will come around again and I will be ready! But for now Hard Rock is the reason and my passion!


Christian said...

You definitely made the right decision, I was hoping you would.

Nick said...

Scott - I'd say any run at under 8-minute pace with close to 3k of climbing and descending is pretty damn hot. I rarely hammer a hill run in its entirety, but when I do, sub-eights (downs included) are the goal. Having said that, I never really know true distances, and just kind of make them up, based on effort and maps. Your best gauge is perceived effort and previous times over the same run. Nice work.

Don't worry, WS ain't going anywhere. Make it a focus for another year.

Paul DeWitt said...

the calculator I use shows that being equivalent to 6:17 per mile. Of course that doesn't take into account any footing issues so you're were right on target for marathon pace effort or better.
- pauld

Shad Mika said...


Great run! I did this yesterday without the Zorro add on it kicked my ass. It was to be my marathon pace run also and I thought just for a speck of a moment, "Hey lets be like Scott." and payed the second half as I was going over the hogback. It was so hot and windy out there yesterday, I still have dirt in my eyes. I started and ended in the Matthew Winters parking lot. I only did 6 miles about 1500-1800 ft in 55 mins.... oh well.

Shad Mika said...

Oh yeah I forgot, looking at climbing a 14er on Sunday if you are interested in joining my buddy Kirk and I. Of course it will hiking and slower pace (he is not a runner) but still good alitude training, spend all day above 10-11K. Of course this is all weather dependent. Let me know if you are interested and I will get you the details when we figure out our plans. Most likely it will be something between here and Leadville.

Unknown said...

Hey Shad,

I died going up the Morrison slide trail - that mutha always takes it outta me because I underestimate it. I'd love to go climb a 14er but Sundays are bad for me. When do you think Gray's n Torrey's will be clear?

Unknown said...

Hey Nick,

thanks for the perspective. The main point of this run was to hammer the entire thing.

I'm over the WS thing and completely focused on HR

Unknown said...

Actually Paul,

The distance was 8.5 instead of 8.0. Does that change my minute/mile?

Shad Mika said...

Why does it need to be clear? You sound like Brownie, afraid of a little snow? ;o)

I will let you know what I come across this weekend. Most likely we will end up on Grays/Torrys or Quandry. My guess is 2nd week of June you should be good to go but you still will be on some snow, that basin holds a lot. If you go from Loveland pass you can go without snowshoes now, I did it a month ago without snowshoes.

Unknown said...

Yeah I know I'm a fraidy-cat! Almost 20 years ago I was in an avalanche that snapped my femur and it was a big to-do to get off the mountain. Needless to say I'm a little skiddish up high on snow...

Anonymous said...

"Needless to say I'm a little skiddish up high on snow..."
Well it's a good thing you don't want to do a race like Hardrock?

Good running and good decision on WS. Although I was ready to book airfare to come crew & pace.
