DNF is such a harsh term. It makes me cringe every time I say it so I'm going with a new term -DQMITHFL. Didn't Quite Make It To The Finish Line. I did make it, however, I was assisted by a vehicle with my wristband cut off. I am more bummed for my crew and pacer than I am for myself because they spent the day at Twin Lakes supporting me.
Not much to really elaborate on so I will be brief:
Since Hardrock (5 weeks ago) I put in about 250 myles with an entire week off and a taper week included. With those myles I have been battling lower left back pain (don't want to self diagnose myself here but would appear to be Sciatica). Yeah it causes me to limp but for some reason I thought it would go away the longer I ran.
Right from the gun I felt it but no different than the previous weeks so I plodded along with optimism. I got to May Queen in pretty good time (1.44) but with no up or down, I had not really challenged the back. Up onto the Colorado Trail, up and over Sugar loaf, and into Fish Hatchery (3.21) my stride became altered but once back onto the flats it seemed to be tolerable. I cruised the road pretty good and thought I could deal with it but then we hit the Colorado Trail again with some climbing and rolling hills. Sure enough it started to hurt a little more.
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Leaving Fish Hatch with Jason Ostrom and Lucho |
I left Twin Lakes just under 7 hours into the race and I hiked up Hope Pass really smooth. Leaning forward with my hands on my knees seem to the do the trick. Down the back side of Hope and onto the new section of trail all was going smooth but the tightness returned on the left side going into Winfield (9.30). Nick Pedatella was over there and he really tried to give me another work over but the longer I sat the tighter the back got. Snipped off the wrist band and rode back to Twin Lakes with Brandon Fullers crew.
To be honest, I was embarrassed to walk up the street at Twin Lakes licking my wounds and telling people my sob story. I saw the look in their eyes "you look fine, WTF?" And that's the tough thing is that my spirits and energy were good and positive all day, even after 50 myles. So as I walked up the street the Patricks (Garcia and Stewart) each came up offering a full beer. Thanks guys, you know me well!
To my crew: Nicole and my boys, Mom and Dad, Rick, to my solitary pacer Scott Tucker, Nick Pedatella, and to Cindy Stonesmith - Thank you for supporting me. It's never an easy decision to call it a day but I figure the longer I do this, it's inevitable this happen every once in a while. Better days to come!
Some amazing performances out there: Of course everyone who finished but in particular my PI teammates Nick and Ashley for pulling down the number 3 positions and Darcy for cranking out yet another 100 mile to keep the Rocky Mountain Slam alive. In addition, the Leadman race was outstanding, Lucho and Troy battled to within minutes of the title with Lucho pulling it out as Leadman champion and new record holder - Amazing!
Bummed about you and BFish. But it definitely signals a return to dominance by South CRUD!
Scott: I'm sorry it didn't work out at Leadville. Looks like you battled it out as much as you could. I knew when I saw you coming up Hope (I too was feeling the effects of my injury, which would also lead to a DNF at Winfield) that something was going on. DNFs suck but we have to find it in ourselves to somehow learn from the experience and move on. I guess there's no other alternative in this sport.
There is no WTF look in there eye. That is something just you see ...
That header photo is still awesome.
JT - am bummed too but Dakota had a Dales Pale Ale at the finish so it was all good! And now we have 3 Ibs of pancakes coming our way this weekend!
Wyatt - sorry it didn't work out for you either. The longer we do this, the more inevitable that things like this happen. I don't look back at all, just move on and wait for the body to come around
Georgie - per your suggestion, I bought the photo from Fred and it will be framed. I'm sure the WTF was all me
You still inspire the young mexicans to run fast! Hardrock was tough on everyone this year...
Well done Scott. Hope it was a good weekend away with the family. Good to see you out there.
LOVE(!!!) that new header photo.
The boys and I are always proud of you, whatever the outcome might be. I hope you can have a speedy recovery and get back out there. Love always
A bad back and a DQMITHFL and I still can't find a pic of you doing anything but smiling. Class act.
Sorry about the race. I thought DNF meant.....DARN NICE FELLOW.!!!! lol Good Luck on your next race. :Q)
True champ. You've proven that over and over.
Go see the voodoo doctor with needles. Like we talked, it's worth a try and a few (or many) bucks! Great meeting you and I look forward to hearing of your many more adventures.
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