70s, clear, dry
mind/body - surprisingly sluggish
Hard effort
It's been my week of race taper routine to get in about 25 myles before the race while doing a 1/2 of a leg turn-over workout. So far this week 21 myles (6 yesterday easy). This morning was the leg turnover workout. Nothing too terribly fast for each of the 2.5 myles out and back, avg. 6:32 pace. Turned up the notch doing the 3 x 300m, 10% hill sprints - 1.03:15, 1.03:05, 1.02:25. By the end of the workout the sluggishness went away. In years past (prior to a coach) I took too much of a taper by only running 8-10 myles the week of the race which left me feeling very sluggish to start the race. Now I figure by reducing volume but getting out most days during the taper is more beneficial, basically not dipping into any glycogen stores and keeping the blood flowing.
In other news, what a shocker of a game this morning between Switzerland and Spain!! Spain certainly the better of the two sides but Switzerland was very efficient with great defense. In my opinion, even though Spain lost they proved to be one of the top 3 teams after the first round of games (Netherlands and Germany the other two). To get out of the group now they will have to beat a tough Chilean team, who handily won over Hondouras.

Other than the U.S., We're rooting for Spain
Yeah, bit of a shock, but not largely so, I think they typically have some trouble with teams that pack 9 behind the ball.
Really a shame that Alonso's strike came back off the bar, would have been a cracker. But they need to improve in the final thrid (Torres looked rusty, but a few more minutes might cure that).
Good luck this weekend at SJS.
Good luck this weekend. And be sure to pop into the Packer Bar when you're finished!
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